Christianity Easter Good Friday holidays movies

Good Friday Traditions

Today is Good Friday, and through the weekend, Christian families will gather together for church services, Easter dinner, egg hunts and other activities. Here is a brief list of many Easter films that focus on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

“The Passion of the Christ” (R): Chronicles the last twelve hours of the life of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Starring James Caviezel as Jesus and directed by Mel Gibson, the film was originally released in theaters in 2004. The film is portrayed in the biblical Aramaic and Latin languages with subtitles in English.

“Amazing Grace” (PG): Focuses on William Wilberforce (1759-1833). Played by Ioan Gruffudd as the zealous believer in God, human rights activist and British member of Parliament, who battled through discouragement and illness for two decades to end the slave trade in England. In a time of personal crisis, Wilberforce is inspired and encouraged in his long fight to abolish slavery by the former slave ship master, John Newton (Albert Finney), who wrote the beloved hymn “Amazing Grace” following his conversion to Christianity.

“The Greatest Story Ever Told” (G): A classic epic film that recreates the life of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, from his birth in Bethlehem to his baptism by John (Charles Heston), the raising of Lazarus, the Last Supper and finally his death, burial and resurrection. Starring Max Von Sydow as Jesus and directed by George Stevens, the film was originally released in 1965.

By mitchmuse

Global communicator, Journalism, Entrepreneur, Web editor, Blogger, Freelance writer, Jazz enthusiast

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