bull moose indie music mass retailers music national association of recording merchandisers record store

Today is Record Store Day

Record Store Day has started for more than 1,000 independent record stores in the U.S. and in 17 countries. Started by Bull Moose vice president Chris Brown of Portland, Ore., this day seems more of a lesson in survival as some businesses have closed due to the economy and rise in Internet downloads and online retailers. According to news reports, about 1,000 indie music retailers have gone out of business since 2003, said Joel Oberstein, president of Almighty Institute of Music Retail, a market research firm based in Studio City, Calif. So if there is an indie merchant is in your area, go by, say hello, and purchase some music. Personal interaction is better than virtual interaction any day. Music, anyone?

By mitchmuse

Global communicator, Journalism, Entrepreneur, Web editor, Blogger, Freelance writer, Jazz enthusiast