arts Broken Arrow Broken Arrow Community Playhouse Oklahoma romance theater theatre Valentine's Day

Broken Arrow Community Playhouse Presents “Bus Stop”

The Broken Arrow Community Playhouse (BACP) presents William Inge’s romantic comedy “Bus Stop” at 8 p.m. Feb. 5-6, 11-13, and at 2 p.m. Feb. 14 at The Main Place at 1800 S. Main in downtown Broken Arrow.
The production is directed by Bob Papisan. According to a news release, this is Papisan’s directorial debut at the BACP. He previously directed several shows for the Kansas City Community Theatre. The “Bus Stop” cast consists of Sheila Alley, Ken Calkins, Samantha Smith, Sydney Rick, Terry Michael, Richard Perceful and John Hansen.
When William Inge’s play, “Bus Stop,” opened on Broadway March 2, 1955, it was an immediate commercial and critical success. Based on Inge’s earlier one-act play, “People in the Wind,” “Bus Stop involves a pair of young lovers and their struggle to find love in the modern world. It’s cold and snowy, the roads are closed and a bus can’t get through. The passengers must spend the night in a Kansas diner entertaining themselves as best they can. Flirtations and romances bloom. All roads are blocked, and four weary travelers have to take refuge until morning. Cherie, a nightclub singer, has the most to worry about. She’s being pursued by a young cowboy with all the romantic finesse of a rodeo bull. The belligerent cowhand is right behind her, ready to sling her over his shoulder and carry her, alive and kicking, all the way to Montana. As a counterpoint to the main romance, the proprietor of the cafe and the bus driver at last find time to develop a friendship of their own; a middle-age scholar comes to terms with himself; and a young girl who works in the cafe also gets her first taste of romance.
Ticket prices are $13 for adults, $10 for seniors, $9 for students, and $6 for children 12 and younger. For more information, go to Reservations may be made by calling the BACP box office at (918) 258-0077.
Produced by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service Inc., the production is made possible in part by grants from the Oklahoma Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts. The Broken Arrow Community Playhouse is a member of the Oklahoma Community Theatre Association and the Tulsa Area Community Theatre Association.

By mitchmuse

Global communicator, Journalism, Entrepreneur, Web editor, Blogger, Freelance writer, Jazz enthusiast

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