Dionne White jazz Oklahoma performances Sonny Gray Stan Kenton Alumni Band tulsa United States

Stan Kenton Alumni Band performs tonight at Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame; other performance Sunday

Stan Kenton Alumni Band

The Stan Kenton Alumni Band, directed by Mike Vax, will offer phenomenal big band jazz in the finest Kenton tradition – with bellowing brass, cutting woodwind solos and vividly vibrant arrangements tonight at the Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame‘s Jazz Depot, 111 E. First St. (Upper Level) in Tulsa, OK. The performance is a celebration of Stan Kenton’s 70th year anniversary at the Jazz Depot. Vax directs a jazz salute worthy of the genius that defined Stan Kenton and his musical legacy.  Doors will open at 6 p.m., and showtime is 7 p.m. General admission is $15. 

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Vocalist Dionne White
On Sunday, May, 1, 2011, Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame inductee Sonny Gray and vocalist Dionne White will present “My Shining Hour.” Doors will open at 4 p.m., and showtime is at 5 p.m. For more information on either performance, call (918) 281-8609 or go online to to purchase tickets.

By mitchmuse

Global communicator, Journalism, Entrepreneur, Web editor, Blogger, Freelance writer, Jazz enthusiast

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