BeansnFrank cartoons dance education hip hop Maryland music rap teachers United States youth

Beans-n-Frank creators elevate academic enrichment through catchy hip-hop beats

Teaching with hip-hop isn’t a new idea, but it has never been done as cool as Beans-N-Frank. They are the cartoon kids who rap lessons over hard-hitting hip-hop beats. The lyrics are as catchy and memorable as Sesame Street songs, but the music sounds like tracks from your favorite radio jam. We make music that the entire family can enjoy.
Our creators, Mark Davis and David Washington are veteran teachers with over 22 years of classroom experience between them, and even more experience as hip-hop artists. Davis and Washington are the hosts who join the mascot characters on stage for live performances that involve a lot of rapping, dancing, fact reviews, and “edutainment” at its finest. The combination makes for products and performances that are much more relevant and exciting than what can usually be found amongst children’s entertainers, yet the content reinforces skills that are critical for academic enrichment.
We offer the following services: 
– Live Performances 
– Curriculum Supplements 
– Remediation (for Groups of All Sizes) 
– Song Personalization 
– Gang/Bully Prevention Training 
– Birthday Parties/Special Events 
– Fundraisers
Our recorded music and live presentations reinforce the skills that align with the following Common Core State Standards recognized and adopted by most educational systems in the U.S.:
(Elementary Grades)
•Print concepts 
•Phonological awareness 
•Know number names and the count sequence 
•Count to tell number of objects 
•Compare numbers 
•Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from. 
•Identify and describe shapes 
•Phonics and word recognition 
•Add and subtract within 20 
•Tell and write time 
•Work with time and money 
•Comprehension and collaboration

For more information on Beans-n-Frank, go to

arts Black Liberated Arts Center Inc. education Oklahoma Oklahoma City teachers

Teacher Randy Barron to conduct arts education workshop in Oklahoma City

Randy Barron, a 25-year teacher specializing in arts education, will be in Oklahoma City Oct. 19-22, conducting teacher training at Wilson Elementary School in the Oklahoma City Public Schools District and at Highland Park School in the Mid-Del Schools District. The announcement was made today by Anita Arnold, executive director of Black Liberated Arts Center (BLAC) Inc.

Barron has conducted more than 100 professional development workshops and more than 75 in-school residencies in 23 states. Barron has written arts curriculum reaching more than 250,000 students in urban and rural school districts. He is a founding member and current curriculum coordinator for the Rio Gallinas School, an elementary charter school in Las Vegas that is focused on ecology and the arts.

As a professional dancer, Barron has choreographed, performed with and directed ballet and modern dance companies throughout the United States and Europe. He is a co-founder and former artistic director of City in Motion Dance Theater in Kansas City, Mo.

While in Oklahoma City, Barron will conduct the workshop, “Scientific Thought in Motion,” at Highland Park School and will spend three days coaching teachers at Wilson Elementary School. This is his third trip to Oklahoma City to work with classroom teachers.

This project, a part of BLAC Inc.’s arts education program, is funded in part by the Oklahoma Arts Council and the Oklahoma Department of Education.